In a series of national polls, Gary Johnson has seen his support slip by nearly 30%, in the past month. But it's not that the #nevertrump Republicans have lost confidence in the New Mexico former Republican. Hillary Clinton's recent climb in the polls has corresponded with the Johnson decline, while Donald Trump did not seem to benefit at all. In fact, Trump's support has slightly moved over to the undecided column. On Sept. 23rd, Johnson enjoyed 8.9% support. Today he is at 6.4%. During that span, Trump has been unchanged around 39.5%. But Clinton climbed from 41.1%, to 45.2%. This suggests that the more liberal-leaning folks in the Johnson camp have left to join Clinton. But the more conservative-leaning folks supporting Johnson have stayed. This also suggests that Johnson is looking to Trump supporters as potential crossover support, but not Clinton supporters. |
In Oklahoma the slide has been more stark. Johnson had enjoyed more than 10% support just 6 weeks ago, but he has dropped nearly 40% since then, to 6.4%. But Trump has been the recipient of the Johnson slide, in the Sooner State with Clinton barely registering a lift in those 6 weeks. For Libertarians in Oklahoma, the death sentence kicks in if Johnson falls below 2.5%. That's what statutes say the party must get at the general election, or else the state will cease to recognize their official party status. |