By former State Senator & OKGOP chairman, Randy Brogdon (R-Owasso) As a former state senator with eight years of conservative credentials, I’m appalled with the shenanigans of the Republican leadership in the Oklahoma legislature. They are anything but conservative. As a matter of fact I would classify them as destructive. Last Saturday, Sen. Treat started his press conference quoting Matthew 5:37. “Let your yes be yes and your no be no.” Then he proceeded to condemn those conservative members who did just that. Some conservative Republicans said they would vote NO on tax increases and then actually voted NO. He went on to say he was disgusted because of the lack of compromise. He was referring to those members who refused to vote yes on tax increases even though they campaigned against tax increases. He and the other members of leadership refuse to cut spending to balance the budget. Rather, the entire regular and special session has been dedicated to try and increase a cadre of taxes; even knowingly unconstitutional ones. |
Sen Treat then tried to shame the principled legislators through intimidation and even name calling, suggesting they were acting like junior high schoolers. He then reminds us that “real” lives are going to be impacted if they don’t raise taxes and that he is disgusted by the lack of progress. I think Sen Treat and the rest of the tax and spend Republicans better get a grasp on how disgusted we the people are with them. Their inability and unwillingness to live by the conservative principles they promised us to get elected, is way passed disgusting; it is infuriating. When Sen Treat worked as a staffer for Sen Coburn he embraced lower taxes and small efficient government. When he campaigned for the state senate he proudly proclaimed he supported lower taxes and fiscally sound policy. | I don’t know if he forgot his principles or just flatly abandoned them. Frankly I don’t give a hoot as to why. But I do care that the republican leadership is so eager to compromise (lie) about the fake budget hole. The hole was created by their unwillingness to be fiscally responsible and then overspent money that wasn’t there. Since he brought it up, let me remind Sen Treat and all of the other legislators who are willing and eager to abandon their principles about Matt. 5:37. “Let your yes be yes and your no be no.” That’s a pretty good way to live, even if you’re a politician. By the way Jesus is the one that said it. Dedicated to Liberty, Randy Brogdon |