Former President, Donald Trump, called in Oklahoma Congressman, Kevin Hern, and the other leaders of the Republican Study Committee; to chart a campaign course the GOP's future. The meeting was held in NJ, on Thursday.
Jim Banks (R-IN) is working with Hern and others on the RSC, "developing the consensus conservative agenda that can bring our party together, an agenda that is a winning agenda that can bring back the majority and an agenda we can focus on when we get the majority back. That agenda is the Trump agenda."
Hern is chair of the Budget & Spending Task Force for the RSC. In the battle for the House, they defied expectations and took a big bite out of the Democrats’ majority. They currently only need a net gain of five seats in 2022 to regain control of the chamber.
Hern Becomes The DC Budget Hawk Leader.
The Trump meeting took place at Trump's NJ golf resort, which is becoming the unofficial campaign headquarters of the Trump rebound.
For Hern, the event comes on the heels of Hern's biggest accomplishment in his May20th release of the RSC's Balanced Budget roadmap to austerity within a decade. RSC Chair, Jim Banks said the Hern Budget is the best that the group has ever produced, and he admitted that it's better than the work he was chairman of before he turned the task over to Hern. These developments confirm Hern's pledge to represent Oklahoma in a Freedom and Fiscal Conservative ideology. This isn't Hern's first collaboration with Trump. Last year Hern helped the Trump Campaign relaunch after the initial lockdown, by bringing the Trump Campaign to Tulsa on June 20th.
Hern has been deeply focused on the Federal budget solvency project for over 4 months. His team now seeks to promote this roadmap on budget austerity during the year to come.
The initiative is welcomed by budget hawks as a long-needed demonstration that Republicans are still committed to fiscal responsibility and protecting America's future generations from being shackled with the debts of many previous generations. Hern also points out that this budget also demonstrates a strong and consistent set of protections for the unborn. The last time the GOP had a Washington champion of a balanced budget, that man was John Kasich, in 1997. Yep, that John Kasich! |