12 Facts: A further research into the Dan Kirby Sexual Harassment Allegations confirms some new details:
| Former Speaker, Jeff Hickman may face far more serious trouble than would Dan Kirby. It may well have to be investigated by a state agency, and any prosecution referrals would be forwarded to a state prosecutor. Should Bishop have been paid state funds? Yes. Not for the harassment, but for keeping this woman in a suspected hostile environment (Kirby's assistant), and for firing her without cause, 2 months later. Hickman screwed up and he kept it a secret and made us taxpayers pay the bill. |
3 Takeaways:
- The Legislature has a long and disgusting history of sexual impropriety by a few members of each party. But this ought to be a wake up call, to clean up the conduct. If a party or a chamber fails to bring meaningful accountability, they risk losing their moral authority to lead.
- Speaker-Designate, Charles McCall, did hold a legislative workshop on the issue, even before the Kirby detals were made public. This is a good first start. But under no circumstance will the voters of this state tolerate such abuse of a high state institution.
- We await the decision of the Republican leadership, regarding Dan Kirby's appointment to Chair the committee on Business, Commerce, & Tourism. Until Kirby gives a full accounting for his actions, there ought be no leadership appointments.
For further background reading, see: