Updates now drop Oklahoma Medical Emergency Usage to less than half of what was projected just 2 days ago. The Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation, out of Seattle Washington; just completed a Sunday night update of their pandemic forecast for each state in the U.S.. The numbers look much better for Oklahoma. The data has an important disclaimer; "COVID-19 projections assuming full social distancing through May 2020". The study indicates that a lax compliance could skew the outcome in a very detrimental and unplanned direction. The results so far confirm that Social Distancing work s. Where the Saturday version said more that 700 Intensive Care Units (ICUs) were likely to be needed, update posted just hours ago now says that Our hospital and other clinical resources are more than ample to provide for the care needed. The previous report said that about 5000 hospital beds, and nearly 500 ICUs would be utilized in the care of the infected & suspected. The new projection says less than 1500 beds will likely be used at any one time. More importantly, where we were projected to have a 300 ICU shortfall, we're now projected to need less than 300 units at any one time. Fatality Estimate DropsFatalities are also significantly dropped to well under 1000 Oklahomans. That rate of increase will peak in the last part of April, and level off in mid May, according to projections. |
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