With just weeks to go before the Oklahoma primary elections, several civic and political activists are beginning to score the incumbents' voting records and other objective criteria related to their political duties.
Legislative Scorecards
There are several groups actively compiling these indices.
Candidate questionnaires
Some current and/or historic voter guides have been produced or distributed by;
The Sooner Tea Party just released the first 2016 scores. They used the following legislative votes to compile their scores. We linked to each bill and posted the official summary of each. Within days the Sooner Tea Party will be expounding on the impact of each bill and discuss why they believe the content is a key indicator of a legislator's proper score.
HB2531 An Act relating to revenue and taxation; creating the Oklahoma Retail Protection Act of 2016; amending 68 O.S. 2011, Section 1352, which relates to sales tax;
HB2820 An Act relating to professions and occupations; creating the Music Therapy Practice Act; defining terms; requiring certain persons to be licensed under the Music Therapy Practice Act; providing for exceptions; establishing Music Therapy Committee to advise State Board of Medical Licensure and Supervision; providing for membership on Music Therapy Committee; providing for terms of membership on Music Therapy Committee; providing for duties of Board in implementing Music Therapy Practice Act; providing eligibility for licensure as music therapist; establishing term of music therapist license; establishing eligibility of renewal of music therapist license; providing certain letters that may be used by licensed music therapist; prohibiting use of certain words and letters by certain persons and businesses; HB2962 An Act relating to autism spectrum disorders; requiring certain coverage for certain treatments; specifying age and coverage limitations; prohibiting termination or refusal of coverage for certain reasons; stipulating limitations; providing certain construction; specifying maximum benefits under certain coverage; directing Oklahoma Insurance Commissioner to annually adjust certain limits; excluding certain payments from certain calculation; mandating inclusion of certain services; permitting insurers to review treatment plans; providing certain applications; requiring certain costs be borne by insurer; HB3016 An Act relating to parental rights; creating the Parental Rights Immunization Act; requiring health care provider to obtain informed consent from legal representative prior to vaccinating child; requiring health care provider to provide certain information; HB3098 An Act relating to Firearms; deleting reference to the Self-Defense Act; deleting administrative penalty for certain prohibited act; HB3126 An Act relating to 9-1-1 emergency services; creating the Oklahoma 9-1-1 Management Authority Act; providing definitions; creating the Oklahoma 9-1-1 Management Authority; stating purpose of the Authority; establishing membership of the Authority; HB3128 An Act relating to public health and safety; creating the Prenatal Nondiscrimination Act of 2016; defining certain terms; prohibiting performance of abortion due to diagnosis of Down syndrome or genetic abnormality of unborn child; providing certain penalties; excluding liability of certain woman; HB3168 An Act relating to the State Capitol Building; authorizing the Oklahoma Capitol Improvement Authority to issue obligations for repair, refurbishment and improvement of the State Capitol Building; providing for transfer of title upon occurrence of certain events; authorizing the borrowing of money for construction of improvements and repairs to the State Capitol Building; stating legislative intent; providing for payment of certain fees and costs; authorizing procedure for issuance of obligations and hiring of certain professionals; providing for use of certain interest earnings; exempting certain obligations, transfers, and interest from taxation; HB3208 An Act relating to motor vehicles; which relates to the reissue of official vehicle license plates; clarifying references; authorizing additional registration fee; establishing fee amount; limiting time period when fee is applicable; requiring deposit of monies to certain funds; apportioning certain amounts to certain revolving fund; providing for a reissuance of vehicle license plates; eliminating option for certain alternative method of license plate inventory management; establishing types of license plates subject to reissuance; establishing deadline for certain fee; creating the State Public Safety Fund; |
HB3210 An Act relating to health care funding; imposing additional tax levy upon cigarettes; specifying amount of additional levy; providing for apportionment of revenues to the Healthcare Revolving Fund; providing for expenditure of revenues; prescribing method for expenditure; prohibiting sale of cigarette excise tax stamps to wholesalers in excess of certain amount;
HB3217 An Act relating to computer assisted mass appraisal funding; which relate to the Ad Valorem Tax Code; modifying provisions related to certain required credits; modifying source of payment for duties imposed on Center for Local Government Technology; providing for apportionment of revenues to the Office of the State Auditor and Inspector; HB3220 An Act relating to court fees; which relates to fees for an alternative dispute resolution system; increasing court costs for system; HB3231 An Act relating to transportation finance; authorizing issuance of certain obligations by the Oklahoma Capitol Improvement Authority; stating amount of net proceeds; imposing certain restrictions related to timing of issuance; providing for use of net proceeds; specifying authorized use of proceeds; incorporating content of Department of Transportation Construction Work Plan by reference; providing for priority of expenditures; providing for disposition of earnings; authorizing agreements between the Oklahoma Capitol Improvement Authority and the Department of Transportation; HB2929 An Act relating to labor; which relate to discriminatory wages; prohibiting certain actions by employer; increasing penalties; authorizing recovery of costs; requiring civil fines be deposited in General Revenue Fund; SB1206 An Act relating to tourism improvement districts; which relates to additional improvement districts; providing for an additional class of improvement districts for tourism purposes; SB1604 An Act relating to income tax credit; which relates to tax credit based on federal earned income credit; limiting time period during which credit is refundable; SB1606 An Act relating to income tax adjustments; which relates to determination of taxable income; requiring certain amounts deducted on federal return be added to Oklahoma income under specified conditions; SB1610 An Act relating to fees; which relate to costs in criminal cases and juvenile proceedings; modifying fees assessed in certain criminal and juvenile cases; SB359 An Act relating to motor vehicle insurance; creating the Uninsured Vehicle Enforcement Program; authorizing the district attorneys to administer program; authorizing law enforcement agencies to use automatic license plate readers to enforce Compulsory Insurance Law; providing certain restrictions; providing certain terms of use of readers; authorizing collected data to be used as evidence of certain violation; exempting collected data from the Open Records Act; SJR45 A Joint Resolution directing the Secretary of State to refer to the people for their approval or rejection a proposed amendment; deleting obsolete language; modifying limits on terms of office for certain elected officials; SJR4. A Joint Resolution making two separate applications to the United States Congress to call a convention of the states under Article V of the United States Constitution for the purpose of proposing amendments to the United States Constitution related to balancing the federal budget, imposing fiscal restraints on the federal government, limiting the power and jurisdiction of the federal government and limiting the terms of office for its officials and for members of Congress; |