Liberalism has been a great harm to men in western society. Ever since the 1960's the federal govt. has made men optional, especially in urban America. the government check has been more reliable than a husband, in the minds of many women, especially in some minority communities. This has led to an explosion of divorce and shack-ups. Which in turn has led to most kids in those communities being raised without male role models in the home. Boys learn to be men by the example of other men. For many youth, the local gang has been the only masculine role model. Enter Western Islam With society increasingly treating urban young men as 'worthless' or 'predators', A growing group of men are turning to a faith which esteems them as leaders and holding them accountable to a high standard of personal conduct. |
Does Christianity have a response? In some degrees, the church has responded. The 'Promise Keepers', 'Maximized Manhood', and other initiatives have popped up; but they have fizzled out like a fad, as well. Most mainstream Christian churches have become immensely more effeminate. They have joined the liberal pop culture through the browbeating impact of academia, corporate policies, media campaigns, and other influences. But the best place to start changing the culture is to start at home. Fathers need to succeed in raising their own sons, with a unified message of support coming from the mothers. And this will probably require shutting off the media's influence in the home, followed by a willingness to stand up to the forces in society which seek to belittle all men, including the sons we are counting on to be reliable men for the next generation. |