Kyle Loveless will accept a lifetime ban on any government employment or professional lobbying. The Oklahoman first carried the story of a settlement between the Oklahoma ethics Commission and former senator, Kyle Loveless.
Did prosecutors want him silenced? I would expect so. We'll see if it works. A real advocate doesn't require a stipend for his patriotism & speeches.
Is the penalty extreme? Well, if you personally pocketed over $100k, paying it all back is a reasonable expectation. Kyle's family was going through a lot and it appears that he failed to be circumspect in all areas. In some personal aspects, Kyle D. Loveless will always be my hero. But in other ways, he does not want to be an example of how to manage financial duties.
He's now going to focus on being a committed father of some precious kids. And he has a legendary family business to continue operating.
I hope he stays a vocal citizen for govt. reform.
Read the full report at the Oklahoman.