The sound feed, which worked perfectly all night, suddenly switched off the Cruz microphone as he was in the first portion of his speech. But all the other microphones were switched on to full gain to magnify every "house" sound, including the noisey catering staff who decided to start serving the dinner meal as Cruz was introducing his remarks.
To the people in the room, all seemed perfectly normal and thus the prank continued.
Fox News was the sole media outlet carrying the event live. They let the prank play out without any explanation or even acknowledgement of a sound glitch. Then they cut out of the event before Cruz finished, effectively shorting him of an equal opportunity.
then they went immediately to the set of the Sean Hannity show, where Sean was expressing sympathy for his studio guest, Cory Lewandowski of the Trump Campaign.
Then Fox continued to pitch the narrative of Cruz being too boring for the crowd and the attendees tuned him out simply out of disinterest. John Roberts is pitching that spin even as I write this post.
"I am so at home in complete, total, utter silence. I keep the TV mute on oftentimes and just read the closed-captioning 'cause it's just noise. But I had the video and the audio up, and when this cacophony hit, I thought a video had started on my iPad, and the first thing I did was turn the volume down 'cause I thought I had two different audio sources competing and it was just irritating as hell so I turned the iPad audio down, there wasn't anything on the iPad. The change had occurred totally at the New York GOP affair. So I studied it, I looked at it, and in 30 seconds I figured out what happened. They had cut Ted Cruz's microphone at the podium and they had replaced it with what sounded like microphones at five or six tables where you heard nothing but the table noise. The clinking of knives and forks on plates, people swigging beverages. You could hear people smacking their lips while they were eating. At least it sounded like it to me. You could hear people chatting with each other. I said, 'What the hell is this?'. " |