Attorney Ron Durbin reports that the filers of SQ806 have withdrawn their petition for the repeal of Oklahoma's prohibition on Marijuana possession and distribution. The language in the proposed constitutional amendment received harsh scrutiny from multitudes on social media, especially current patients who believe the language has multiple significant flaws. The legislators who have enacted several 'fixes' to the last initiative petition have pledged their assistance toward a further review of Oklahoma's prohibition, and insist that grassroots advocates not use the option of a constitutional amendment for future initiatives, because lawmakers could not remedy unforeseen problems when it involves constitutional mandates. Only a statewide vote of the people can change any constitutional language. Ron Durbin posted this message on his lawfirm's social media acct. " DING DONG THE WITCH (806) IS DEAD. State Question 806 has been withdrawn. I’m glad they came to this decision, and hopefully if they want to still run something, they will get input and assistance drafting it. You guys are rock stars for all your effort to get the word out about this. You all did this, and this is a shining example of how the people can come together. Now, let’s keep it going!!!" |
Sooner Politics