SQ802 is under a cloud of criminal suspicion during the overnight hours following the close of primary night voting.
The mailed in ballots far exceeded previous norms, but more important to the Attorney General's office, should be the vast contrast between the 80% support for Medicaid expansion claimed in these faceless ballots, and the election day rejection of taxpayer-funded health benefits by a 10% margin of deficit.
The Governor is expected to call on AG Mike Hunter to seek a court injunction for a stay of the certification, until an investigation can be completed.
How Does Voter Fraud Happen In Oklahoma?
While strict policies protect the casting of in-person voting, there are not sufficient safeguards for Registering to vote. Individuals and groups can conspire to commit massive voter fraud of the state's elections by filling out tens of thousands of fake voter registrations and mailing them in or having political operatives collect them and drop the fake individual's cards at an election office in any county.
A simple recount request is not sufficient as a response to this clear threat to our democracy. The ballots are not what we need to investigate. What we need is a 'discovery' process to ask the individuals named in the ballots returned, to ascertain their participation, and their eligible elector status.
If a 2-bedroom apartment has 24 active voters listed there, then a clear narrative exists for corruption. If that small home mailed in 18 ballots, and cast 3 early in-person votes, and voted 3 times on election day, in the neighborhood polling location, then it could be that the husband, wife, and daughter who went to the neighborhood poll are the only real voters, at least until they go to prison for their crimes. If a single notary's stamp is on 16,000 of these returned ballot affidavits, then that notary must immediately be under investigation. This needs to be a matter followed by the FBI as well. We cannot have the November presidential election be impacted in this manner, in multiple swing states. Oklahoma may simply be a test run for a plot to steal the presidency. Once the fake voters are in the election board registry, the persons having access to the address on file, can make thousands of requests for absentee ballots. All it takes in one corrupted notary public working with the plot, and an election's mail in voting can radically conflict with the Election Day polls. And that's exactly what we see. Of the more than 94,000 ballots mailed in, over 80% voted for the free healthcare constitutional amendment. But those going to neighborhood polling locations in the full view of neighbors, voted clearly against the bankrupting scheme. |