'Equal Protection of our liberties ' is a constitutional mandate of all govt entities. It simply means that everyone should be on equal standing in law and representation. To that end, the founders mandated that a full census be taken at the beginning of each decade. We are currently compiling the 2020 census, to determine how the 435 seats of congress will be divided among the 50 states. Twenty years ago, Oklahoma lost a seat in congress because other states eclipsed the slow growth in Oklahoma. But ignoring census letters is a growing problem in the Sooner State. Great Lakes states are winning the war for Federal control, California and Northeastern states are also grabbing more federal resources and a plurality of representation, because the people in those states are complying with this constitutional process. California knows that their state's tax and regulatory policies are harming their growth. In fact, they are possibly going to lose seats in congress. This is one reason why they are now a sanctuary state for lawbreaking aliens to flock to. The billions in federal dollars California gets, is just one more way that Oklahoma taxpayers are paying for California's socialist enclave. Federal pork and welfare is no longer just going to destitute, disabled, and discriminated sectors. But it won't change if conservatives aren't properly represented in elections and the halls of congress. |
Remember when Ed McMahon told us to fill out our Sweepstakes mailer, and send it back in? Sure, it was a brilliant marketing ploy to get us to buy magazines. But the census is now truly a sweepstakes where the massive federal 'sow pig' is the greatest welfare machine in world history. And it's not just welfare for the poverty class. The highway funds, education & healthcare infrastructure also depends on that federal tap. It's not about how much money the feds spend. It's more about where that money will go. For fiscal conservatives & liberty advocates, we're actually harming the causes we value by ignoring the census or belittling the fundamental data which the feds have a constitutional duty to ask. By allowing the socialist bastions of the USA to dominate the census game, we all but insure even more socialist policies and federal bailouts going to California, Illinois, and other failed states. One of the best ways each resident can help get Oklahoma another vote in congress, is to make sure everyone fills out the census. We used to have more members of congress, until the census numbers fell short of the needed growth to protect our 6th seat. |
It is fully lawful for the census workers to collect the population data from illegal aliens. Their identity is not given to state & local law enforcement. Besides, immigration enforcement is a federal jurisdiction matter. Local and state governments have a duty to aid the feds in their constitutional duties, but we have no knowledge of any illegal alien getting deported because they filled out census data.
I think I lost my census letter? The primary way most residents now complete the census is to open the letter from the feds and go online, to their website; where people input the unique code found on their letter, then input the corresponding household population data.
We went online to get an answer to this question. Here's what the US Census wrote..
What do you do if you lose your census? If you are unable to respond online, you can call 844-330-2020 and take the census over the phone. Otherwise, you can complete a paper questionnaire that will be mailed in early April. Responding Online 2020 Census2020census.gov › ways-to-respond › responding-online |