James Bowman is an unlikely farmer. His younger days were spent immersed in the counterculture and harshly criticizing materialism. Today he's a very successful farmer and a trailblazer for healthcare public policy. He became a role model by picking up a shovel and planting a crop. In his 50s now, he still weaves through the idiotic regulations of his state's ridiculous rules for providing cannabis medicines to very needy patients. His state legalized medical marijuana 20 years ago, but during the first 15 years, they essentially made it impossible to commercially grow the crops and harvest the medicinal yield in a sustaining manner. Oregon's agency which created the rules, said that if you're going to grow the plants for someone else, you cannot earn an income for your work. During the early years the federal govt. would send in raiding parties to gather up the crops & either burn them or haul them off. It's like having your farm pillaged by some rogue Viking marauders. Take a moment to tour his Oregon farm, below. Read more from the publishers. |
| Oklahoma now joins a majority of states who have openly rejected the federal govt. policy of an absolute ban on cannabis. It's been a 'schedule 1' controlled substance for nearly 50 years. Not even opiates and meth are controlled as strictly by federal law. California Tax Nightmare The 30 states which made a legal & restricted market have fallen for a 2nd trap. They got out of the prohibition trap and the black market crime associated with contraband. Most of the 30 states are creating a dangerous new black market by taxing the product in excess of 10%. California has entered an era of fiscal fascism(Corporatism, as Mussolini called it) |