The Oklahoma legislative leaders are terrified of a group of citizens who are preparing to let the voters decide on a massive tax increase which passed last month. Former US Senator Tom Coburn went to the state capitol for a press conference and excoriated the lack of fiscal reform
in education & the continued growth of crony capitalism which gives $70 million in cash each year to corporate wind generating operations from out of state.
Unlike an initiative petition for writing new laws or constitutional amendments, a veto referendum requires just a small fraction of the signatures . It simply lets the voters take the place of the governor on a specific bill which a governor previously signed into law. When the Referendum group submits the written intent & language to the Oklahoma Secretary of State, the specified law is suspended until the group returns the roughly 40,000 signatures within the few months allowed by law. Assuming that the signatures are certified, the Secretary of State notifies the governor that the challenge is certified. Then the matter goes to a vote at the time designated by the governor, so the voters decide the matter at a statewide election. A plurality vote decides the matter. Citizens are invited to donate and/or volunteer for the veto referendum by indicating at the group's website; |
Sooner Politics