" A major failure of Oklahoma Schools...." That's the way several are describing the results of the national standardized testing of our public school students. When 60% of the 10th graders at Tulsa's best magnet school are failing basis science knowledge, you have a massive embarrassment. This isn't just a thesis for dumping more money into a failed industry. It's a clarion call for throwing out the molds and rethinking common education and who should deliver it. At a time when most other state agencies are contracting out to corporate providers for nearly everything, we still have a 1970's model of big union education. But the problem is... They aren't delivering the 1970s test scores. Only 5% of Tulsa Public School 10th graders are passing science at a national competency standard. Any home-educating family who makes a weekly trip to the local library will run circles around these public schools. The most embarrassing statistic is that the average church school spends less per student yet far surpasses the typical public school. State Superintendent, Joy Hofmeister has no solutions but the tired old moniker; "Throw more money to the administrators! Read the full report of all Tulsa Public Schools, here. |
Sooner Politics