Within just a couple years, GT Bynum could have Tulsa feeling like a taxpayer's hell. It's the only way to sustain the legalized bribery of buying public unions' endorsement in exchange for massive pay raises at the private sector's great expense. This is looking like a dreary replay of the demise of California, when Republican governors George Deukmejian & Pete Wilson were followed by Liberal Democrat Gray Davis and his massive bribes (albeit a legal form of bribes) of the massive public sector unions. After just a handful of years, California voters overwhelmingly voted Davis out of office via a recall election. California is still suffering from the bloated government Davis left them and Republicans have been unable to get a foothold in the state ever since. |
The great leadership of past mayors like Jim Inhofe and Bob LaFortune, are but a distant memory.
GT Bynum has shamelessly and openly promised the Tulsa firefighters and Fraternal Order of Police, massive and irresponsible pay raises while showing the voters no credible way to pay for the budget-busting bribes.
Bynum never met a tax idea that he didn't like. He has never been a friend of the Tulsa taxpayer or even the utility customer. These are all very dangerous issues which will exacerbate the flight of conservatives to the surrounding suburbs and turn Tulsa into a solid blue liberal Democrat hell.
It leaves us wondering how, just 3 decades ago, Tulsa could have been declared;
'America's Most Livable City'

The current city hall was among the stupidest decisions Tulsa government could ever have made. It alone is a reason why our parks are largely boarded up.
Tulsa needs real leaders. But GT Bynum's vision for Tulsa is a nightmare.