Take Cover, Oklahoma You're under assault and your mailbox may contain bombs! Okay, not literally the kind that the ATF would investigate,; but the US Postal Service may... If your daily mail looks anything like mine, it's absolutely beyond saturation, and it's going to get much worse... Worse both in volume and depravity. The most egregious stuff isn't even complying with Oklahoma Ethics Commission reporting rules. And that's because they set up shell corporations in other states, so that they can hide who they really are, and make up the most pathetic lies about their opponents. In the last 24 hours I've seen several pieces of mail that has come from out-of-state operations, and they completely made up ridiculous statements. Statements that can be proven false, but the election is already under way. |
There are pathetic rumors being spread in Oklahoma, to suggest that the late Labor Commissioner Mark Costello's family name is somehow responsible for the reputations of any other person who claims the Costello surname. But some political operatives are telling gullible voters that Cathy Costello is the sister-in-law of former State Superintendent, Janet Barresi. How do they know that? Why, because Barresi evidently had the last name of Costello. This meme illustrates just how ridiculous the campaign narratives of some campaigns has become. Another lie we see a lot of, is that some House members who are running for re-election did not vote for the one teacher pay raise bill. the Truth is that every incumbant on the ballot supported HB1023xx, (the pay raise bill) |