An abandoned wife of a freshman politician is calling on her neighbors and the entire Wagoner area citizenry to vote for the challenger seeking to unseat her estranged husband.
Tosha McDugle says that in early 2017 her husband of over 10 years, Kevin McDugle; decided to set up a 2nd residence in Oklahoma City. She willingly agreed and though her husband bagan coming back to their eastern Oklahoma family home less and less, she believed the best and prayed. But by mid April of last year she had seen the last of him in their home, as a supposedly faithful husband. The reality was that he had taken up with another woman and led a double life. She threw a birthday bash for him in early May, showering him with public praise, but the reality had set in by mid June. He had abandoned her. She eventually filed for divorce due to abandonment. McDugle began traveling openly with the mistress, taking free trips from lobbyists. |
Today Tosha battles a long and protracted court battle with Kevin. Never mind that Oklahoma's legal statutes still list Adultery as a felony and all felony convictions result in immediate expulsion from the legislature.
The moral turpitude is beyond glaring. The Republican party voters; the party of family values; has a choice to make in this. Is this the best that the Republicans can do? The Wagoner County Republican Party leadership refuses to address this even though it's fully vetted. Had a Democrat held the office they would all join a concert of scorn for the indecency. If they will not clean their own house, this primary. They no longer have any moral claim to lead in this district. May another take his place. (Psalm 109:8 - look it up) The Legislature threatened to expel another legislator because he sent and received racy photos with his staffer. But somehow a man who cohabits perpetually while still married to another woman get re-elected? Maybe the party's problems are not just the politicians. Maybe the party voter base is even more corrupted? |