OKGOP Chairman, Pam Pollard has failed to attend to a very important matter. Her unique duties include the matter of notifying County Delegations of very serious issues which will be attended to at an upcoming State Convention. It's beyond mystifying that a woman with so much history in the party and so much experience at the state's highest party leadership, would ignore so many phone calls and reminders from county officials about the need to send out notices of proposed amendments to our party's "constitution". Our bylaws are rather brief and quite clearly written.
The Noble County Convention was just held 4 days ago, and outside the window of when proposals can be submitted to the state convention. I believe Pollard held off sending out the report to the county delegations because she wanted her favored language to be submitted at their county convention. In fact, I don't believe the Credentials Committee can or should include Noble County's delegation because they were not submitted properly and within the deadline that other counties were told to comply with. I believe the delegates should decide on the Noble County delegation by a floor amendment. This is not the only county delegation in dispute. the Coal County delegation is said to be disputed because (according to a legislator) Pollard held the convention herself, and then invalidated it without the State Committee(her boss) even being made aware. |
All 12 Proposals must now be held over until next year, because Pollard Failed to Send out any of them. Several were in her hands for over 1 month. |
Pollard has failed in this issue in the past. two years ago I authored a simple & sensible amendment which clarified & updated the matter of meeting notification requirements. Pollard left my amendment off the list for the 2016 Convention. When I noticed the omission, I informed her that I expected this matter to become first order of business at the 2017 Convention. Why didn't I insist on taking up the matter at the 2016 convention?
I believe these 12 proposals that she sent out just hours ago are not in compliance. I've had 2 of my own proposals denied parliamentary action because of 2 different state chairs failing to do their duty. I know it's frustrating to all those who worked hard on these matters, but we must simply take them up next year as "first order of business".
I find it hard to believe Pollard is this inept, because so many people report that she was reminded last week to get them out by last Wednesday.
On Thursday she was reported to have to a county leader that she would send them out that day. Instead, she went over to the Democrat headquarters to get face time with state media, about the latest graffiti incident.
But for the sake of informing the OKGOP about the many attempts to change the party's presiding rules, I'm going to list some brief notes.
I only support 2 of the 10 ideas, as they are currently written. A few other ideas could be workable in a different format. A couple of the proposals are just not necessary and will limit the flexibility that some counties need, to be their best. A couple ideas are just terrible and cannot be workable in Oklahomoa's republican Party. |
Proposal 1 No.
Increase Requisite Time in order to qualify for party involvement. I don't see this as necessary to our ends. The leadership should make their appointments with judgment of these matters. Having re-registered last year, will prohibit those who move to our state or become eligible voters this year, from participation. |
Proposal 2 No.
Increase presidential primary threshold to 20%. Being an early primary state(we're the 5th date), we must attract all candidates to come to our state. Especially with a massive amount of primaries now trying to join our primary date (California is now also a 'super Tuesday' state). We should leave our threshold where it is, unless & until a good reason is clearly evident. |
Proposal 3. No, not this way.
Allow Budget Committee to Hire an Executive Director. The State Committee is and has always been the supreme governing authority of the state Republican Party(when we're not in convention). It should be the authority of the State Committee to deem if, when, and to whom, such a directorship is granted. |
Proposal 4 No, not this way, either.
Allow Executive Committee to hire an Executive Director. As I said; the State Committee is and has always been the supreme governing authority of the state Republican Party. It should be the authority of the State Committee to deem if, when, and to whom, such a directorship is granted. This was passed less than 4 days ago and outside the 10 days notice requirement.* |
Proposal 5 Hell No!
Radical restructure of party leadership, so that the Washington, DC Delegation runs the state party. The State Chair & Vice Chair only have a small number of at-large appointments, as it is. Giving those to some politicians who don't even come back to Oklahoma very often, is a failure. the Executive Committee needs to be devoted workers and advisors of what's best for the party, not the incumbent. These members don't even attend the State Committee meetings as it is. Granting them a role in taking over the party leadership is a huge mistake. Not just no! But HELL NO! The OKGOP has always been structured to come from the neighborhoods to the counties, to the state. That's what made us great and in-touch with the needs of the people. Giving authority to a group which doesn't even attend the committee meetings they are a part of... makes no sense. This will destroy the party's energy and strength. |
Proposal 6 No, in most cases.
To Always vote on party platform first. The convention should be following the standards of conducting "old business" before new business. If a previous convention failed to ratify a platform, then the next convention should attend to that and other unfinished items before commencing with new business. This languages would conflict with other rules which currently require unfinished matters be "first order of business".
Proposal 7 No.
Two Strikes & your plank can never be in the platform. This matter is almost impossible to enforce and not at all necessary. It would take less time to dispense of the proposal in regular business than to do the research of past convention minutes. And even the slightest change of language would render the rule meaningless. |
Proposal 8 No.
Quorum Not Needed To Continue Convention, indefinitely. Be very careful what you ask for. This would result in a filibuster motivation and some very bad potential results.
Proposal 9 Yes.
Closed Primaries By Party Permanent Rule I didn't used to think this was necessary, but I now support the rule. It's important that this serious of an issue be voted on by the full convention. Vote YES.
Proposals 10-12 Yes.
Candidates Mark Up Platform with Comments if receiving party resources. Since the actual requirement is so little, I'd support this as a requirement for any filed Republican candidate to ask the party to give aid to their campaign in a general election. There is no minimal requirement of how much "marking up" is required, but a respectful Republican would and should inform his party organization of his most important policy positions. I also encourage County Committees to hold meetings shortly after candidate filing is complete, to have a straw poll after hearing directly from the Republicans seeking the nomination of the party's voters. |