Two polls were released this week in the race for Oklahoma Governor. The results were significantly different, This is usually explained when you look at the samplings and assumptions about who will actually cast a vote, vs who sorta intends to... but usually doesn't.
There is quite a bit of uncertainty in the SoonerPoll, of which answers were provided by the only voters who count in a Republican Primary (party members). SoonerPoll did breakdown the male/female support for each Republican candidate. O.S.S. did not. OSS sampled a large group of 65+ year old voters than did SoonerPoll. We have no idea whether the Republicans whom SoonerPoll interviewed were as conservative as the OSS pollsters were interviewing. |
Okla. Strategic Solutions SoonerPoll
How would you describe yourself?
Age Range
Congressional District
| The largest discrepancy in the two polls was Gary Richardson's 13% in OSS, vs 3% in SoonerPoll. At the same time, Bill Shapard's SoonerPoll firm awarded about 3% more to Todd Lamb and Kevin Stitt. Mick Cornett was given a 20.4% share in SoonerPoll, but only a 13% share in the OSS poll. One of the internals we need to address is the high rate of voter turnout among those age 55 and older. they account for nearly 2/3 of the total vote count in a Republican primary. Connecting with the older voters is essential in any GOP primary. Many say that this primary election is likely to see more younger voters, given the cultural & generational divide on the issue of cannabis medicines (SQ788). |