Rep. John Bennett was in Tulsa last night to speak to the Tulsa Area Republican Assembly's monthly meeting. He told the dozens of members that he will work with the House efforts to step up oversight of state agencies and seek to find more opportunities to reform the agencies and eliminate wasteful practices. The Tulsa World sent Journalist Randy Krehbiel to cover the address. You can read his report at the Tulsa World. Several other lawmakers and candidates were in attendance. Bennett commended the advocacy of former Federal Prosecutor Gary Richardson, the dedication of Rep. Scott McEachin, and the leadership of Senator Nathan Dahm. Bennett began his remarks with a narrative of his upbringing in Vian, OK and his career in the US Marines. He transitioned to how he discovered that he wasn't a Democrat. It was a very spiritual narrative, from the seminary-trained lay minister. He expressed the calling which led him to enter public service in state government. He took several questions from the crowded hall and often elaborated on budgetary and other state policy matters in his responses to the audience. The TARA organization provided a video of the meeting, which is available here. |
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