With the clock ticking toward the November reality-check; Congressional liberals were just granted a huge opportunity to advance leftist agenda items when the senate Republican caucus suffered a devastating outbreak of Romneyvirus. Breitbart News reports that 10 Republicans are testing positive with initial symptoms impacting gun control judgment and wavering cognizance on the clear language of the US Constitutions 2nd Amendment. Among those manifesting the primary symptoms are Senators;
Viral Symptoms Spread to Border Security
Romneyvirus is not like Covid-19. It does not seem to infect any human organ other than the human brain function. We don't suggest it's a microbial virus transmitted by surface or airborne spread. Instead, it's spread through psychological breakdown and a brainwashing barrage of propaganda messaging in both media and social interactions in environments where the people are largely infected.
In past weeks it was thought that the Senate Republican Caucus meetings were saferooms. But with 20% of the room now being active carriers, It's recommended that the remaining 40 Republican senators limit their interactions to electronic conferences, and spending most or all their time back intheir home states, communicating with citizens who understand the clear meaning of "shall not be infringed."