The Tulsa Republican Assembly is beginning an effort to return the legislature to OKGOP values. They are teaming up with the House Platform Caucus and seeking candidates & local campaign teams. Here is their press release:
The Tulsa Area Republican Assembly(TARA) encourages Republican party leaders from all counties to attend this special meeting about organizing the party structure so that it represents our local party, rather than the campaign consultants, lobbyists, & special interests who seek to take our representation away from us.
TARA especially seeks those interested in running in an under-served district. Let us help you find the help you need, in stepping into the political arena. Finally, TARA encourages other grassroots groups to join us in taking our party back from the outside interests who have co-opted our party for their own ends. About our Special Guest Speaker: Rep. John Bennett is seeking to reform agencies and target those areas where waste, corruption, and inefficiency is robing our citizens of needed resources. Rather than just throwing money at badly-run agencies; Bennett wants to restore the legislature's fundamental oversight role, so that when we do take a tax dollar from our citizens, it goes as far as it can, to meeting core functions of state government. Watch Rep. Bennett's video from a recent floor debate...