With all the national media just itching to find a weakness in the ranks of the 306 Presidential Electors pledged to Donald Trump, Oklahoma's 7 Electors are having none of it. Several of them are now posting to their social media profiles that Trump will get their full and resolute support. The electors and alternates are expected to meet at the Oklahoma State Capitol on Dec. 19th. Sunday night I reached out to George Wiland. George is a member of the Tulsa County Election Board, but more importantly, he was nominated by his fellow Republicans to be a Republican Presidential Elector. George had also served as an Elector to the 2000 Presidential race. George is solidly supportive of the Trump/Pence ticket and has been an Oklahoma Republican since the 1980s. Rep. Bobby Cleveland of Central Oklahoma posted this message on his Facebook wall; |
"For those of you who do not know I am an electoral voter and the past few weeks I have received several emails asking me to not vote for President-Elect Donald Trump. I would like to reaffirm that I swore an oath to uphold the constitution of the United States, that I will honor the oath and my word that I gave last spring to vote for the Republican nominee for President and Vice President on December 19th. I will proudly vote for President Donald Trump and Vice President Mike Pence." - Bobby Cleveland |
Teresa Turner, a Stilwell area school teacher and local Republican leader, told SoonerPolitics.org that she will be posting a detailed response and affirmation, as well. She added; " I was on our desktop computer scanning in a letter I received in the mail today from a PREACHER in Dallas wanting me to vote for Hilary! I don't understand how any Christian can support her!" | "Too many people also don’t understand Oklahoma law requires electors to vote for their party’s candidates. If not, the other electors don’t allow their vote to be counted and choose another elector. The Founding Fathers knew what they were doing when they set up a representative method of voting. There are federal laws and state laws that govern the Electoral College. I have them printed off in a notebook and I have been reading and studying them for several months now. Nasty text messages from Massachusetts (I had to get my cell provider to block that number) and letters from Dallas aren’t going to change my mind! I made my mind up before I ran to be an elector , and before we had a nominee, and you can count on me to do the right thing by voting for Trump/Pence on December 19th." - Teresa Turner |
"I also gave my word to support my party's nominee and I fully intend to keep it,
and in so doing represent the will of the people of my district who voted for me." - David Oldham
David Oldham, a Tulsa businessman and long time 'Liberty Republican' says he has been getting massive email pleas from Clinton operatives and other liberal activists. Oldham posted a more detailed press release on his social media wall; The Republican Presidential Electors of Oklahoma are not what the general public would probably imagine them to be. Several of them are friends of this writer. Some have been friends for many years, decades. These people are trusted by the grassroots of the OKGOP. They are a mix of social values conservatives, tea party reformers, and Liberty activists. Most of them were supporters of former Senator Randy Brogdon, when he ran for OKGOP Chairman, in 2015. | "While I thought that I have been very clear about my upcoming duties as elector, and the vote I would cast, it has been brought to my attention that I have not stated it clearly in a post. So here it is. Before last April's convention where I ran for this position, I had come to know about all of the major viable candidates running for the Republican nomination. I also met and spoke with several of the candidates. I had fully settled in my mind that although I disagreed with some of what each believed, I could faithfully cast a vote according to the will of the people of this congressional district and state. I also knew the constitutional role of the elector and that I would need to make a reasoned and judicious selection as is the duty for any with such an important role. I also ran, because I support the Constitution being the foundational law of the land, which has for all too long been ignored, suppressed, perverted and subverted. I wished to promote the Constitution and it's uniquely American solutions, one of which is the Electoral College. All that said, I gave my word in my election speech that I would support and vote for the nominee of our party. In addition, by Oklahoma statute, I was required to sign and have notarized my oath to vote for my party's nominee or be replaced by our district's alternate. Nothing has changed since mid-April as my word is my bond, and so on December 19 I will be casting my vote for President-elect Donald Trump..." - David Oldham |