According to the National Association of State Budget Officers (NASBO), the United States NATIONAL Census Bureau found that approximately:
But Oklahoma School Districts have expected far more of the state than their own local funding sources. Oklahoma school funding breaks down this way:
But the real key to massive new classroom funding would come from adopting the San Diego model. They pay their teachers $10,000 nore per year than Oklahoma averages, but actually spend less per student, because they average 21.5 students per classroom. Oklahoma only has 16.3 students per class, as an average. In context, the baby boomer generation typically had 30 students per classroom.
To be clear, this is just average numbers. Some school districts are far more dependent on state funding, but other districts pay far more of their own local money. Pryor Public Schools does not receive any state funding, because their local property tax receipts already push their funding beyond the cut off point where the state fully phases out all support.
Oklahoman's have bought the false notion that looking to the state legislature means that they will get money which came from other's instead of their own neighbors. But that's just an illusion.