The financial reports are now submitted for the citizens of Oklahoma to see who spent how much on the campaigns for & against the Medical Marijuana Initiative Petition.
The Petroleum Industries and Chambers of Commerce were very determined to kill SQ788. Financial Institutions in the state and healthcare organizations were also throwing massive sums of money into the losing effort. SQ788 had two false starts between 2014-2016. The authors first tried to give the voters a constitutional amendment but with various harassments and an electorate which wanted more observation time to watch other states' experiments, the efforts fell short of the needed signatures. There does not appear to be any organized boycott effort to punish the corporations but that doesn't mean it won't happen as these reports become circulated. |
AG Scott Pruitt then tried to sabotage the final language but the Oklahoma Supreme Court chastised him and restored the original ballot title. Pruitt did, however; succeed in keeping the initiative out of the statutory code for nearly 2 more years.
Last January the governor decided to place SQ788 on the primary statewide ballot. While it did accomplish her objective of keeping the turnout from impacting the general election, it did appear to backfire when Gov. Fallin decided not to convene a special session. Fallin wanted to let the Health Dept. board decide on some agency rules and let that package suffice until next year. When several state agencies colluded to corrupt the peoples' law, there was an outrage which led to a petition to end prohibition on Marijuana by constitutional amendment (SQ797). There was also another initiative petition to make medical marijuana a constitutional amendment (SQ796). there was also a pair of lawsuits, an AG opinion striking down much of the Health Dept. Rules, Two felony investigations of high-ranking state officials, and a bicameral interim study to create cohesion between voters and legislators on what the people intended when they passed SQ788.
The disconnect between the people and the establishment (politicians and corporations) is quite obvious and even glaring. What is also obvious is that the activism of a broad spectrum of voters is now motivated to take charge of issues of personal liberty. The anger at government tyranny is at a boiling point.
Look through all 5 tabs at the bottom of this article. The charts & ledgers will demonstrate how massive the disconnect truly is.