Of all the reported 384 deaths of Covid-19, in Oklahoma; just 49 have been in the past 4 weeks. We are 2 1/2 months past our peak death rates from mid April (the month when 200 Oklahomans died). The recent spike in positive tests correlate with;
Bynum had said that if the health dept recommends it, the edict of the mayor will be forthcoming. And all previous mask edicts have never had exemptions for those fully recovered from Covid-19 and aflush with antibodies to inoculate them. Oklahoma Death Toll Ceased For 10 days Despite no deaths in the entire state for the past 10 days, the narrative of more govt controls is being echoed from one leftist media outlet to another, in a reverberating chamber of fear. |
Delaying Herd Immunity Til WinterThe Health Dept points out that virus threats end when 'herd immunity' surpasses 60%. That's when we have more than half of our residents immune to catching or spreading the virus. Some want to severely shut off our societal interaction until some vaccine can be discovered, fully tested, and mass produced, then distributed to the who population. Others believe that the Swedish policy of letting the healthiest remain interactive, while separated from the weak, will allow the virus to temporarily sicken the strong, but ultimately launch their strong immune systems to inoculate them from further sickness. Then they can return fully to social interaction and in fact caring for those who need extra assistance in their continued self quarantine. | Health Dept Mission Creep A mistaken mission creep happens when an agency perverts one policy and replaces it with another. Such is the case with Covid-19. The 21-day societal shutdown of mid March was designed for only two objectives:
Changing the purpose of the shutdowns Tyrannical rule is a powerful addiction for chief executives like mayors & governors. Once you're a regular user of edicts and casual abuse of the citizens' civil rights; you have a very difficult time handling the withdrawal symptoms. you feel impotent and less like God. You're afraid that you'll have to go back to normal submission to the consent of the governed. But now the political left is seeing an opportunity to destroy the American economy enough to harm President Trump's reelection effort. To that end, they are fighting to keep the societal shutdown long enough to kill the economy. They are changing the narrative to
But summer is in fact the best time to inoculate the young & healthy so that the elderly have far less chance of infection next winter. Our vaccine hopes may never come, and we may face a deadlier scenario next winter, if we don't commence with building the herd immunity now. Many have already contracted the Wuhan Virus and built up antibodies without ever manifesting an illness symptom. We need for more than 2.4 million Oklahomans to attain immunity as soon as possible, and that's going to mean enduring some risk and some inconvenience to sickness rather than fear of sickness. The Swedish Solution A far more sensible policy would be to fully end all restrictions on anyone under 50, because we've only lost 15 total Oklahomans under 50, since keeping count. Far more of them die in auto accidents. Anyone over 50 should have extra societal help from their neighbors so they can keep a safe distance and limit their risks. It's not unlike the way we dealt with Chicken pox for 200 years. We encouraged kids to get through it in their youth, so that they don't get the adult variation (Shingles) which can very well be deadly. We let our public health officials change that proven strategy for a series of expensive vaccines which only promise to cut the illness rates in half, those causing more Shingles deaths than our old strategy. |