Black Militia March On Saturday afternoon, several dozens of armed marchers assembled in the Greenwood area to affirm their 2nd Amendment rights of self defense. It was an odd thing for political leftists to observe, because these marchers appeared to be identifying as African American, but their assertion of civil rights were not the sort of rights that nationally identified 'civil rights leaders' love to promote. The right of a competent, lawful individual, to 'keep & bear arms'. The March started at North Latimer St, and proceeded south on ML King Blvd., to the north edge of the OSU Tulsa campus, to the Greenwood Community Center near downtown Tulsa's business district. The march then looped north to Pine St, then back west to ML King Blvd, to where the march started. Tulsa Police report that they provided a safety escort to the march, along the agreed path. It is still a statutory crime to carry a firearm on a state college campus. Police insisted that marchers stay on public right-of-way, in the permitted march. |
Rolling Shootout Kills At Least One | Overnight, a deadly shooting happened at the neighborhood where the earlier march began. What police are describing as a 'rolling gun battle' took the life of a young man, and severely wounded at least one other in that same vehicle; which eventually crashed at ML King Blvd & Marshall St. We're awaiting a further police investigation, and hoping the victims can provide enough information for interdiction to be carried out and violent criminals to face appropriate justice. There is no evidence other than circumstantial, to tie the two events to each other. But it does underscore the individual citizen's inherit duty to remain responsible for how any weapon is handled and used. Earlier on Saturday, two women in east Tulsa were arrested when a firearm in their possession was discharged in their apartment. A young man in the next door apt. was struck by the bullet and his condition may be fatal. It appears the two young women were arguing when the firearm was discharged. A Memorable Weekend In South Tulsa, the PGA Senior Championship is going very well. Early rounds were partially rained out, but the final day looks like an epic event to watch. Solemn holiday observances and family traditions are also a big reason to celebrate this important weekend. |