![]() On the week when James O'Keefe planned to expose evidence of corruption by Hillary Clinton, Twitter simply shut down his account. After a flood of protest tweets to the Twitter executives, the account finally was restored. Two of the most powerful voices exposing the corruption of the pop culture left, are James O'Keefe and Milo Yiannopoulis. James O'Keefe single-handedly exposed and shut down much of ACORN's national operations with his undercover sting operations, along with Hannah Giles. O'Keefe didn't stop there. He successfully exposed AG Eric Holder's ballot vulnerability when James showed (via hidden camera) the poll worker handing him Holder's election ballot. Milo Yiannopoulos is a British homosexual and a huge enemy of the political correctness crowd which bullies conservatives, especially on college campuses. Milo writes for Breitbart News. Facebook has repeatedly been caught in their efforts to broadly suppress conservative messaging. Read more at Breitbart. |
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