The Polling services of Oklahoma Strategic Solutions was asked to conduct an independent polling of the Oklahoma Republican electorate for the Gary Richardson Campaign, this past week. The results are a continuance of the trend toward uncertainty for the announced candidates. While the two top candidates are continuing their downward trajectory, Richardson gained a modest portion and Stitt rose from obscurity to 8.4%. Jones & Fisher still remain under 3%. The biggest anomaly is that the undecided voters are now about half of the voter base. This bodes badly for those candidates who've already spend huge sums on media & other campaign bloat. Obviously, the Richardson campaign would not have been so revealing of polling that gave bad results, but this polling appears to have been disciplined and following conventional methods. Oklahoma Strategic Solutions OKLAHOMA GOP PRIMARY VOTER SURVEY
Previous poll from November 30, 2017 shown in red. 1. What political party are you registered with? Republican 3/9/18: 100% 11/30/17: 100% 2. How likely would you say you are to vote in the Republican Primaryelections for state, and local offices next June 26th, 2018? 3/9/18, 11/30/17 Certain to vote 88.8%, 89.0% Probably vote 11.2%, 11.0% 3.Generally speaking, would you say that things in the state of Oklahoma are headed in the right direction or would you say that things are seriously headed off on the wrong track? 3/9/18, 11/30/17 Right direction 22.4%, 19.0% Wrong track 62.8%, 63.4% Not sure 14.8%, 17.6% 4. What would you say is the most important issue facing the state of Oklahoma today? 3/9/18, 11/30/17 Abortion 5.4%, 4.4% Education 29.2%, 25.6% Improving the state economy 10.2%, 10.4% State budget 23.4%, 28.0% Uncovering waste, fraud, & abuse 24.2%, 24.4% Other or don't know 7.6%, 7.2% 5.Which of the following statement regarding a candidate for governor comes closest to your opinion? The State of Oklahoma badly needs to be fixed and the best way to fix it is to elect a Governor who is an OUTSIDER and NOT PART of the Oklahoma City political establishment and who is willing to step on some toes to fix Oklahoma’s problems. -OR- The State of Oklahoma badly needs to be fixed and the best way to fix it is to elect a Governor who IS PART of the Oklahoma City political establishment and has the experience to work together with the other political leaders to fix Oklahoma’s problems in Oklahoma City. 3/9/18, 11/30/17 Insider 25.1%, 24.6% Outsider 49.8%, 48.0% Not Sure 25.1%, 27.4% | 6. Do you approve the job performance of Governor Mary Fallin? 3/9/18, 11/30/17 Yes 22.2%, 24.4% No 56.8%, 51.8% Not sure 21.0%, 23.8% 9.Thinking about the Republican primary election for Governor, if the election were held today, who would you vote for? 3/9/18, 11/30/17 Mick Cornett 15.2%, 18.4% Dan Fisher 2.2%, 2.2% Gary Jones 2.8%, 3.0% Todd Lamb 13.8%, 11.6% Gary Richardson 10.0%, 5.2% Kevin Stitt 8.4%, 1.4% Undecided 47.6%, 58.2% D1. If you were to label yourself based on your political beliefs howwould you describe yourself? Very conservative 53% Somewhat Conservative 32% Moderate 11% Somewhat Liberal 1% Very liberal 1% not sure 2% D2. Age Range 18-34 7% 35-44 9% 45-54 18% 55-64 23% 65 and older 43% D3. Gender Male 48% Female 52% 4. Congressional District (PRE-CODE) CD 1 24% CD 2 15% CD 3 23% CD 4 20% CD 5 18% |